(Android 6 and below) Why am I seeing ads in YouTube and/or Chrome?
Almost half of all apps, including YouTube and Chrome, use HTTPS connections to deliver ads. In order to block these ads, you must first install AdClear's Trusted Certificate. You can do this through AdClear's Settings > Ad blocking > HTTPS filtering > Install Certificate.
(Android 6) Why does AdClear not work with Power Saving mode?
This is a known issue with Android 6 OS. Power Saving mode restricts background apps from accessing data. This prevents AdClear from filtering connections and blocking advertisements.
(Android 5) I’ve reinstalled AdClear, why won't the VPN start?
Rebooting the phone should solve this issue. If it persists, let us know.
(Android 4) Why aren't ads being blocked?
If you are using an Android 4 device with AdClear and are on an IPv6 network, your device may not be able to block some ads. Most new routers and mobile towers use IPv6 connections.
(Xiaomi phones) Why does AdClear get turned off?
Xiaomi phones do not allow AdClear to run in the background by default. To allow AdClear to run in the background do the following steps.
(Samsung phones) Why does AdClear turn back on when I turn it off from the notification screen?
On some Samsung devices, we are not able to disable the VPN from the notification bar. The best way to quickly disable the VPN is to use our widget or to open AdClear and disable the VPN.
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